BLDEA’s AVS Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Vijayapura

Swastha Vritta

Swastha Vritta


This branch deals with the system of maintaining a healthy and long life by adopting the basic principles of Ayurveda. Students are trained in the principles and practices of the daily regimen, seasonal regimen and proper regimen to develop immunity against the diseases associated with lifestyle changes. The department highlights the connection between Ayurveda, yoga and a healthy diet.

BLDEA AVS Ayurveda Bijapur

BLDEA AVS Ayurveda Bijapur

Teaching Staff

Name of the Staff Designation Department
Dr Sateesh S Patil Professor & HOD Swastha Vritta
Dr Bhuvaneshwari Patil Associate Professor Swastha Vritta
Dr Praveen Toravi Assistant Professor Swastha Vritta
Mr Chetan Vishwakammar Assistant Professor Swastha Vritta