BLDEA’s AVS Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Vijayapura

Principal's Message

Principal's Message


Ayurveda - The Ancient Indian “Science of Life” is well known since time immemorial for its time tested knowledge related to Preventive, Promotive and Curative aspects related to Health. Great Sages of Ayurveda namely Acharya Charaka, Sushruta, Vagbhata etc. have mentioned about many modern concepts of medical science thousands of years before the inception of Modern Medical System. Even the latest concepts like Personalized Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Nanotechnology and even Genetics are mentioned in Ayurveda. As the language in which all this knowledge was written is Sanskrit, other parts of the globe could not understand these concepts and hence Ayurveda was deprived of being given the credit to be known as the “Mother of all the Health Sciences”.

BLDE Association’s AVS AMV is one of the oldest and renowned Ayurvedic institution of North Karnataka imparting quality Ayurveda Education in this part of the world. This institution is bestowed with highly qualified, experienced teaching staff, state of art Herbal Garden and Ayurvedic Pharmacy. We believe in overall personality development of our students. Hence, curricular and extra-curricular activities are given equal importance in our institute. Research in Ayurveda is given at most importance to create highly professional Ayurvedic Graduates. We are “Inspired by Tradition” and “Aspiring to become Centre ofExcellence in Ayurveda”. This will be possible only by the team work of the Management, Teaching and Non-teaching Staff and Students. A warm Welcome to our Institution.

M.D.(Kayachikitsa) Ph.D. (Jamnagar)
Principal, BLDEA’s AVS AMV,
Vijayapura- 586109