BLDEA’s AVS Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Vijayapura




Kaumarabhrutya is a branch of Astanga Ayurveda and deals with care of newborn, growth and development of child and prevention and cure of childhood diseases. This branch aims for the development of a child as a healthy child.

The department has a separate UG library, various charts of diseases, different models and vaccines, which are commonly used instruments in paediatric practice and essential for teaching.

BLDEA AVS Ayurveda Bijapur

BLDEA AVS Ayurveda Bijapur

Teaching Staff

Name of the Staff Designation Department
Dr Vijayalaxmi Benakatti Professor & HOD Kaumarabhritya
Dr Javeedahmad V Bagayat Associate Professor Kaumarabhritya
Dr Maitradevi Assistant Professor Kaumarabhritya